
who we are

* Foreword by Chef Ivo Camões *

Who are we?

I'm Chef Ivo Camões and I grew up making cakes for the family. After all, even then I wanted them to be different and exceptional.

However, I confess that I had a second passion - "tennis" - a sport to which I dedicated myself both competing and teaching for some years. But it was Rita, my wife, the daughter of someone who had always worked in the pastry business, who at the age of 20 encouraged me to get a degree in my chosen field.

I got into this world of pastry and was lucky enough to work with a great French Chef.

I was quickly invited to work in the south of France, on the beautiful Côte-D'Azur, where I stayed as head pastry chef for 4 and a half years.

Indeed, during this period I took the opportunity to deepen and refine my knowledge of Pastry.

who we are
About Us

improving knowledge

Not only did I study with great World Chefs, among them the illustrious Chef - World Pastry Champion - Christophe Michalak.

But for my dear wife, who working by my side inspired and encouraged me daily, we traveled all over France.

As well as, there we dialogued, perfecting our technical knowledge with famous Chefs from Paris.
We ran after our dreams.

And it was then that we decided to return to our origins and open our " Pâtisserie Dacquoise", where everything has been thought through to the smallest detail.

A universe of sensations and pleasure that "apporte une vie de BONHEUR".
(Chef Ivo Camões)

The Camões Chef

Chef Ivo Camões


Chef Ivo Camões, has worked with national and French chefs, graduated in the area, and in the meantime received an invitation to work as a pastry chef in the south of France, where he stayed for four and a half years with his family.

In this way, he specialized in:

- Pastry Chef, Cake Designer, Chocolatier
- Baker (breads and specialty breads)
- Professional Diploma Sugarpaste,
- Sugar Flowers, Royal Icing & Piping
(School of Cake Design & Confectionery Arts)
- Masters Certificate (Certificat International PME)
- Decor Cakes, Gâteaux 3D, Conventual Pastry and Puddings
- Confection of puff pastry, decoration of birthday and party cakes, cookies, petit-fours, miniatures, truffles and chocolates
- Handmade ice cream, desserts and fine pastry
- Training Course/Internship with Christophe Michalak (World Pastry Champion)
- CCP Training for Trainers
- Food Hygiene and Safety; HACCP System

Learn about the history of the Croissant